When it comes to design and construction in today’s world there are many options to consider and, in this seminar, participants will expand their understanding on Insulated Sandwich Panel (ISP), how the manufacturing processes differ and how this in turn results in different properties for each panel type. This presentation will identify the key quality control measures in this process, the Australian Standards and other controls applicable to the end products.
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this presentation, you should be able to:
Explain the different manufacturing processes and quality assurance aspects for ISP
Articulate why PIR chemistry is different and how it assists performance
Identify BIM options with ISP and a ready reckoner for NCC fire compliance
Assess site requirements for delivery, storage, handling of ISP
Explain installation essentials for a range of install types – such as FRL, FM Approved, Temperature Controlled Environments and IPCA Code of Practice
Competencies (NSCA 2021)
This presentation will deliver outcomes related to the following Competency/s from the National Standard of Competency for Architects 2021:
PROJECT INITIATION AND CONCEPTUAL DESIGN PC28; Be able to draw on knowledge from building sciences and technology, environmental sciences and behavioural and social sciences as part of preliminary design research and when developing the conceptual design to optimise the performance of the project
DETAILED DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTATION PC39; Be able to integrate the material selection, structural and construction systems established in the conceptual design into the detailed design and documentation.
PC43; Be able to collaborate with nominated contractors early in the documentation process to identify key construction methodology opportunities and constraints.
PC45; Be able to nominate and integrate quality and performance standards with regard to selected materials, finishes, fittings, components and systems, considering the impact on Country and the environment, and the whole life carbon impact of the project. This includes integrating life cycle assessments and other expertise and advice from consultants.
PC46; Be able to produce project documentation that meets the requirements of the contract and procurement process and complies with regulatory controls, building standards and codes, and conditions of construction and planning approvals.